2nd April World Autism Day.

2nd April World Autism Day.

Autism is a gift given to the bravest of people. Persons on the Autism Spectrum are beautifully diverse and have different strengths and abilities. It is no wonder science is yet to fully figure out Autism. Because there’s no hard and fast principle to it, working with persons with Autism may seem daunting to some people. But not us at Klicks Africa Foundation!

Persons with Autism have difficulties with three main areas of life; communication, social interaction and behaviour. What most people don’t know is that a lot of skills are essential to make any person successful in these areas. Klicks Africa Foundation considers the most fundamental skills like attention and listening skills, play and interaction skills, sensory integration, postural control, amongst others to be able to tackle the problems persons with Autism face from the roots.

At Klicks, we take the time to know each individual personally; to identify likes, strengths, shortfalls, talents amongst others. These help us to construct tailor-made interventions to meet specific needs and address holistic development. We care on a deeper level.

It’s no hidden fact that so many people do not know how to handle Autism, so we appreciate those who try. Klicks Africa also works hard to educate parents, teachers, facilitators and all stakeholders in the Autism community to enable and empower them to care for persons with Autism. At Klicks Africa Foundation we don’t claim to have all the answers, however we are relentless in our pursuit of them because People with Autism are our priority.

Below is a link to the publication on myjoyonline.com

Klicks Africa Foundation marks World Autism Day with uplifting message