Klicks Early Intervention Center


What is Early Intervention

An early intervention program provides support and services for families who have a child from 0-5 with developmental delays or disabilities. If your child is not meeting most of their developmental milestones, they may have a developmental delay or disability. Once your child starts school, teachers and staff will notify you if they think your child is behind in reading, speaking or cognitive skills.

At Klicks, our early intervention service aims to provide a family-centered and comprehensive support system for children with developmental disabilities or delays and their families in the first five years of the child’s life.

Our team

The early intervention team consists of Resource workers and Early intervention teachers who work together with parents or care givers, educators and other professionals such as speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dietitians and other professionals according to the needs of the individual child and family.

What kind of support does Klicks provide?

  • Speech and Occupational therapy.
  • Parent support and Counseling.
  • In-class support for pre-school children.
  • School inclusion to support the whole class in which a child is being educated.
  • Support in transitioning from home to school and other transitions related to early years.
  • Small group therapy sessions targeting various areas of development; example: social, sensory, language, early literacy, and play.
  • One-on-one sessions or small group therapy sessions at our center.