Programs for Young Spectrum Adults

Programs for Young Spectrum Adults

Programs for young spectrum adults:

Autism Works

Our Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES®) employment assessment program at ARC helps people with autism find fulfilling and enriching employment. This 11 week program allows adults with autism to try realistic, entry-level jobs they may never have attempted before. The assessments assist in growing hands-on skills and self-confidence.

The ARC Supported Independent Employment Program, the follow-up program to PAES®, is a supported employment program specifically designed for young adults on the autism spectrum who are interested in preparing for, finding and securing work. We carefully match a person’s values, interests and skills/abilities to employers seeking qualified job seekers and offering competitive employment.

The Building Block Program is designed to address service gaps that exist for young adults from the Indigenous community on the autism spectrum. The intention of this program is to support individuals in the transition from high school into employment.

Independent Living Program

Independent Living Program (ILP) is a person-centred program to help our members increase their independence in the community. Each participant gets to set their own goals and work towards skills that will help them become independent at home or in the community. Skill areas that can be addressed are social skills, budgeting, time management, personal hygiene, relationships and intimacy, meal planning, cooking, healthy lifestyle, and many other areas.

Cooking Program

ARC’s Cooking Program increases independence in food planning, preparation, following recipes, time-management skills and team work. Individuals work with a cooking coach to complete a recipe and enjoy the prepared meal as a group.

PEERS® Social Skills Program for Young Adults

PEERS® is a 16-week evidence-based social skills intervention program developed at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience. It targets specific skills to assist people to learn how to make and keep friends.

We Belong

Our mental wellness program offers free counselling to our members from Ehrlo Counselling. It also provides art, music and yoga therapy classes as well as interactive education sessions for our Parent Support Group.

Social Drop In Program

This program for adults with autism encourages and develops social skills in a natural, fun and engaging environment. Young adults meet every Wednesday evening to share interests, participate in social activities of their own choosing and spend time with others. Social Drop-In does a wide variety of activities that encourage engagement with our local community and each other.

Chill and Connect

Chill and Connect runs every Tuesday afternoon from 1:30-4:00 pm and provides a comfortable environment for young adults to come hang out, play games, socialize and to just get out of their house for an afternoon.

Ladies Night

ARC now offers a monthly Ladies Night for young women with autism as a means to meet and share experiences that are unique to women on the spectrum.

Improv for Autism

Globe Theatre and the Autism Resource Centre partnered to develop an Improv for Autism class that is held on site at the Globe Theatre. This is a fantastic environment with great instructors to allow individuals to try out improvisation activities and develop some spontaneity in themselves.

Individuals must meet the following:

  • Ages 18 to 35;
  • A diagnosis on the autism spectrum;
  • Are able to commit to attend scheduled ARC sessions; and
  • Have a valid ARC Membership.

Before accessing our programs and services, our program team will meet with each individual so we can learn more about you and make a plan for how our programs can help you reach your goals. To set up a meeting, please call or email us, 306-569-0858,